Topic Association studies examine well-characterized sites of the genome - the genetic markers - to identify potential associations between the former and a phenotype (disease status, blood pressure, response to medicine in the biomedical domain ... ; wheat flour plasticity, muscular mass in the agronomic domain ...). Societal and economic impacts are expected from advances in this active research field, at the cross of genetics and bioinformatics: scientific progress in medicine (evidence of individual genetic susceptibility to drugs, personalized medicine), societal evolution (early gene susceptibility detection for better prevention or surveillance, population aging), control of public health expenditure, nutrition improvement for entire populations. In the biomedical domain, the focus of this meeting day will be set on methods integrating evolutionary information in association studies. Recent advances will be discussed at the genome scale and strategies for genome-wide association studies (GWASs) will be described. Besides, as plant genetics nowadays opens to genome-wide investigations, some presentations will address this peculiar topic. Scope The purpose of this scientific meeeting day consists in bringing together researchers in biology, genetics, biostatistics and bioinformatics which are interested in the design, implementation and validation of association studies and more pecularly GWAS strategies. The aim is to share knowledge and stimulate further research. During the scientific meeting day, five invited speakers will present works relative to recent advances in the domain considered. Keywords genetic association study, statistical genetics, genetic epidemiology, plant biology, agronomy, bioinformatics, genome-wide analysis Key Dates Program 9H00-9H30 accueil café
9H30-10H30 Kinship, heritability and genetic effect sizes David Balding, Institute of Genetics,University College London, England 10H30-11H00 pause café 11H00-12H00 Genome-wide association mapping to candidate polymorphism resolution in the unsequenced barley genome Jordi Comadran,The James Hutton Institute, Invergowrie, Dundee, Scotland 12H00-14H00 buffet déjeunatoire offert (limité à 50 personnes) 14H00-15H00 On the use of evolutionary information in haplotype association tests - coalescent-based and phylogeny-based tests Claire Bardel, UMR CNRS 5558, Laboratoire de biométrie et biologie évolutive, équipe biostatistiques - santé, Lyon 15H00-16H00 Segregation / linkage / association: a graphical model point of view - IBS- IBD-based approaches Gregory Nuel, MAP5 - UMR CNRS 8145, Université Paris Descartes, Paris 16H00-16H30 pause café 16H30-17H30 Genome Wide Association Studies in plants: strategy implemented in Arabidopsis thaliana Vincent Segura, invited researcher at the Nordborg Group - Population Genetics, GMI, Gregor Mendel Institute for Molecular Plant Biology, Vienna, Austria Venue The RAGAS scientific meeting will be held at the Institut de Recherche Thérapeutique (IRT UN, 8 quai Moncousu, Nantes;map with directions If you encounter difficulties to book a hotel, please contact christine.sinoquet @ univ-nantes.fr. A limited number of rooms is still available, on a first-come-first-served basis. Organization Committee LINA, Laboratoire d'Informatique de Nantes-Atlantique, UMR CNRS 6241, éq KOD Team (Christine Sinoquet, Gérard Ramstein, Raphaël Mourad) IRT UN, Institut du Thorax, INSERM UMR915 CNRS ERL3147, Nantes (Christian Dina, Jean-Jacques Schott) IRCCyN / Institut de Recherche en Communications et Cybernétique de Nantes, UMR CNRS 6597, MeForBio Team (Olivier Roux) Financial Support LINA / KOD Team Institut du Thorax , INSERM UMR915 GdR CNRS 3003 - Groupe de Recherche en Bioinformatique Moléculaire (GdR BIM) Fédération de Recherche AtlanSTIC FR CNRS 2819 |